It was builtin 1910 and it was characterized as an innovative business because of its main production line, the cement, a brand new building material for the then time period. Located at the west side of Eleusina’s coastal line and near to the hill that the ancient city was excavated, Titan is entirely connected with the harsh labor, the gradualincrease of manufacturing, the giant – sized facilities which were connected by the railway and last but not least the great personalities, as Leonidas Kanellopoulos, who worked and highlighted Titan’s action worldwide. A large part of the hill was used as a raw material extraction quarry for the main production. Also, inside this huge acreage, the first industrial residences for the workers and their families were built around 1930 but unfortunately they have collapsed. Exactly the same year, the first exports to the United States and the west Europe became true. It is no coincidence that is the only plant of the city that is still in operation and its name is undoubtedly representative for the industrial face of the city.
Nowadays, five building complexes are still standing, which contain dozens of smaller wings with high quality of industrial equipment. Visiting Titan could be parallel with a walk to a museum. From the whole structure to each corner of a room, thousands images, memories for the old staff and human presences’ clues for all the others, are constitute the main exhibits of this synchronous monument!
The chimneys of titan factory are still productive but the main building has move to the neighbor Kamari.