Objects such as photos and paintings could explain why a picture is worth more than a thousand words!
The best way to learn a city’s history is to discuss with a local resident. It is even better, when the resident has a large collection with clues that compile the narration. Giorgos Paulopoulos, born and raised in Eleusina, had already understood at his early childhood the colossal meaning of city’s history and civilization, as he lived nearby the archaeological site. Studying about Eleusina’s outstanding status at the ancient world from one side and living into the spreading of industrialization from the other side, he could safety create an overall picture of city’s history.
Supporting that Eleusina based on two different poles, the powerful cultural background and the absolute industrialized development, he claims that besides their disparity these two characteristics always have a strong relationship. Meaning, the strength of Eleusinian mysteries was always present helping people’s spirit not to surrender to the material world. Something like a strong mystical power which impart everywhere the value of spiritual freedom.
His love for Eleusina lead him to start collecting engravings, books and photographs, all related to city’s history. After years, he managed to create a large collection that represent the whole Eleusina. A variety of photos depict workers during their shifts, the operative plants, the archeological site and the general picture of the city! Let’s see Eleusina’s history at his glimpse!