It will not be an exaggeration to say that a multicultural cityas Eleusina that perfectly combines enormous differences as the great historical background with the industrial profile would certainly be prepared to accept foreign cultures expressed through the cinema screen. More specifically, in a city that the cultural heritage is always present and multiculturalism as well, the film audience was open minded to broaden their horizons through various movies and documentaries.
A glimpse in the past reveals that a group of friends was the starting core of the institution during the late ‘70s and in the year 1981 the official Eleusina’s film club was established with the main view to promote the art of cinema to the residents. Different kinds of films inspired by different art styles and social motions plus various national director’s schools were projected since the beginning of the cinematic club. Its summer operations are the peak of the institution because of the special aura existence from the combination of the external environment and the art provided in the big screen. This is exactly why the audience continuous to prefer the open air cinemas! It is an interesting accommodation option in which you can combine drinks and foods with the joy of fresh air and the movie on the screen!
To most "cinema friends", Eleusina became more recognizable through Filippos Koutsaftis’s film “Agelastos Petra” – “The sullen stone”. It is about the overall city’s profile perfectly given through the resident’s lives. The director tries to join Eleusina’s pieces by collecting information and observing people’s lives always parallels with the alive ancient background. Subsequently, Eleusina continuous to inspire any form of art through the centuries.
Imagine to watch Koutsafti’s film in Eleusina’s film club! It’s surely a unique experience!