Forty one metal processing units comprised thefield of great technological advancements in mining and metallurgy. The best part of the buildings and their equipment still survives today thanks to an initiative undertaken by theNational Technical University of Athens (NTUA) to establish the Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park (LTCP).

Original Theme Music

The goal was simple: in a place where so many technological advancements took place and innovation was successfully blended with high industrial aesthetics to realize a series of necessary and carefully studied interventions which would give birth to revived fields of research, education and culture. The LTCP is a hub aiming at the future, a place hosting research and entrepreneurial projects focused on state-of-the-art technologies. Since 1998, the Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park has hosted more than forty start-ups/companies, many of which continue to operate in sectors such as satellite and wireless telecommunications, nanotechnology and advanced materials, in addition to housing research programs run by the NTUA.

Original Theme Music

In essence, this versatile park constitutes a pole of attraction for interdisciplinary scientific and business activities, open to researchers and entrepreneurs.

In other words, the pivotal idea was to preserve the spirit of inventiveness and innovation that guided the steps of the French Mining Company, which was so distinctively reflected upon theserobust industrial buildings. Echoing the promise for progress, the planning and architecture of this industrial complex was both preserved and enhanced. And it is now are newed promise made to and hopefully given by all partners and interested parties, which remains to be fulfilled in spaces renovated and cautiously constructed so as to host new entrepreneurial and educational activities.

Indeed, the Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park constitutes a unique museum of industrial history. The restoration works have preserved facilities of high technological and aesthetic value, which are worth visiting. A walk around the premises takes you back in time when the French Mining Company was in full bloom. It is a great opportunity to grasp the strong interconnection between the industrial activities with the life and the development of the town.

You can not only take a tour around the Park, but also attend the various cultural events hosted by the LTCP. Especially in the summertime, you may enjoy the theatrical performances andthe music concerts that are usually held there. Also, the LTPC is an ideal place for a family excursion: the Lavrion Environmental Education Centre and the Handicraft – Industrial Educational Museum implement programs addressed to children and young people.

Through experiential learning, children have the opportunity to become familiar with the production procedures, the tools and the machinery or meet with former employees who share their experience of working at the French Mining Company. In cooperation with the Archaeological Museum, workshops about ancient mining processes or minerals, occupations and clothing in antiquity, are also organized.

A visit to the LTPC can prove a pleasant and educational experience for the entire family.


Athens Virtual Tour


Athens Virtual Tour



Athens, a modern metropolis, a european capital, a nest for all the Mediterranean cultures. Athens, the meeting point of East and West, the harbor of everyone, who still loves passionately life! There are so many different ways to describe and analyse Athens, that any given effort to do a short depiction of the city is nothing but a try doomed to fail. Nevertheless, we will try to underline some of the main characteristics of the city of Athens. Visit Virtual Tour


Knossos was undeniably the capital of Minoan Crete and is the site of one of the most important and better known palaces of Minoan civilisation. Knossos was inhabited for several thousand years, beginning with a neolithic settlement sometime in the seventh millennium BC, and was abandoned after its destruction in 1375 BC which marked the end of Minoan civilization. It was damaged several times during earthquakes, invasions, and in 1450 BC by the colossal volcanic eruption of Thera, and the invasion of Mycenaeans who used it as their capital, while they were ruling the island of Crete until 1375 BC. Knossos was ruled by the dynasty of King Minos and is connected with thrilling legends, such as the myth of the Labyrinth with the Minotaur. Visit Virtual Tour


Known from the Homeric myth, as the mythical island of Phaeacians where the shipwrecked Odysseus was soothed by princess Nausika, Corfu continues to welcome visitors from all around the world. Be a synchronous Odysseus and follow the new destination of YouGoCulture initiative. Having the Central Corfu and its old town which is in the list of the Unesco World Heritage Sites, a journey begins in the history, the traditions and the unique beauties of the island. Visit Virtual Tour


Situated in continental Greece on Mount Parnassus, Delphi was considered to be one of the most important cities of ancient Greece. It was believed to be home to the goddess Gaia, or Earth, and later to Apollo after slaying Gaia’s son, the snake Python. The Pythian games—similar to the Olympic Games—were held here every four years to honour Apollo’s slaying of the Python dragon. Visit Virtual Tour


A breath away from Athens, the birth place of Eleusinian Mysteries and goddess Demeter challenges you to explore it! Eleusis or Eleusina, as now known, one of the five sacred cities of antiquity enjoys the privilege of being located only thirty kilometers from the historic Athens. But let me refresh it! It could be the privilege of Athens to have so nearby a city full of life and history! Visit Virtual Tour


Even today’s visitors feel that they are in a sacred place as soon as they set foot in the Asklepieion of Epidavros. The place where healing was a religious mystery. The sick were cured by the god Asklepios in their sleep (enkoimesis) or received from him instructions on the therapy they should follow. From the sixth century BC until the end of antiquity, hosts of people resorted to the Sanctuary of Asklepios in expectation that their prayers for healing would be heard and answered by the god. These were patients and pilgrims who arrived there bringing precious votive offerings from all parts of the then-known world. Visit Virtual Tour


Travelling in the Messenian land from Mount Taygetus to the coast, our glance dives, following the sunlight dipping onto the Messenian plain. From the mountainous volumes to the fertile valley, the olive groves and herbs, we see a landscape of culture, myth, and history, unfold before our eyes. In the heart of the region of Messenia, one town stands out: Ancient Messene. This "blissful plain" as Homer calls it, became a theatre of war and mythical narrations offering a viewpoint on the past and the present. Visit Virtual Tour


Peering over the plain of Argolis, up there from the heights of the acropolis, one comes to terms with the superiority of the Mycenaean civilization. It reached its heyday in the Late Bronze Age (1350 - 1200 BCE) and then disappeared, leaving to eternity its legendary acropolis, built on an inaccessible, rocky hill between two ravines. The footprints of the Atreidai, the mythical royal dynasty, are visible to today's visitor and inspire awe in an era like ours, in which myth meets the history of the most important period of the ancient world. Visit Virtual Tour

Ancient Olympia

What can be said of Olympia and not sound like a cliché? The significance of the archaeological site is self-evident, even if one is not familiar with the fascinating historical details and the political background, which literally span thousands of years. Known to the world as the cradle of the Olympic ideal, this open-air museum of imposing ruins and unique artefacts tells a story of religious piety, fair play, political ambition, and demonstration of power. All the buildings you can still admire were erected to please the gods and send a message to the thousands of visitors who swarmed to the sacred grounds. Walking around the Stadium, the Gymnasium and the Temples of Zeus and Hera – both instrumental in the ritual and competitive part of the Games – modern visitors will be able to understand why the event remained relevant even when the rest of the Ancient World was long dead. As an added bonus to the splendour of the site, the Museum of Olympia boasts some of the most famous works of art produced in the long course of Hellenic culture. Visit Virtual Tour