Electra lived here. The symbol of the eternal daughter, the life of which was devoted to the sacred duty towards the "royal house". From here, she saved the young heir after her father was killed. Aeschylus and Sophocles recounted her story in poetic form in the centuries to come, in their tragedies. Aegisthus and Clytemnestra kept her captive at the rooms of the Megaron, so she would not defame their reign. She would wonder for many years in the palace rooms, enraged for the murder of her father, ashamed for her shameless mother, awaiting the return of Orestes. And when Orestes killed their mother in the queen's chambers, she was keeping watch at the Megaron's courtyard, to see Aegisthus on time on his way back from the valley.
Her hatred for the mother with "a man's heart" and the audacious lover was well known all over the palace: in the guest rooms, the storerooms and the workshops. All these rooms, all the people of the royal court, knew the story of this palace; they protected the unfortunate princess and felt compassion for her.
The royal family would leave the palace only to perform their religious duties. Besides, they should be protected from the indiscrete glances of the simple folk. Especially the young queens and princesses, confined in the royal private chambers. Sole remnants of a world that lived, prospered and declined, but remained a living legend. Relics of the foundation of our civilization. And since this myth came to life here, in this Megaron, it was exposed and never forgotten so many centuries later; it lived in the collective memory of our people as a true legend. More real then history itself.
Also called the "Dome", it was the central hall of the Megaron, where the throne of the king was situated. In the heart of the palace complex and the far end of a courtyard (after a porch and an anteroom that lead to an imposing double door), a spacious square room sprawled-out. There, the kings and noblemen would meet for the feasts and the symposiums, accompanied by songs and storytelling. In the centre of the Throne Room there was a round, central hearth build of clay (diameter 3.4 m) with painted decoration, surrounded by four wooden columns that supported the roof and an opening at the roof for the smoke, the oculus.
The royal hearth (hestia in Greek) was situated exactly opposite the throne. Its holy flame was very valuable in the ancient world since it protected the ideals safeguarded inside the house: the family, the care, the sanctuary, the hope of genealogical continuity. The round hearth was a sacred element of the "house", symbolizing the circle of those living and feasting together. Besides, the Mycenaeans worshiped many female deities connected with nature and man's survival in it, as the goddess of houses and fire, Hestia.
In this resplendent room with the hearth and the throne, the walls were decorated by frescoes depicting war scenes, "memories" of the accomplishments of the Mycenaean rulers. Here, important decisions were made, ones that defined the developments in the Greek civilization and lead to the heyday and the decline of the Mycenaeans. On this blood-throne, the generation cursed by the gods, the Atreidai family, ruled through a sequence of murders: Thyestes, Atreus, Agamemnon, Aegisthus, Orestes. Sworn enemies and murderers one of the other, they reigned from the Throne Room of Mycenae and expanded their dominance throughout the ancient world.
Taking the road at the north-east of the citadel uphill, you arrive as a supplicant at the court of the great king. A relic of a civilization that exists in the ancient fairytales and beyond, the legendary Palace of Mycenae holds a monumental position in European culture due to the development of classical studies.
The palace dominates high above on the acropolis, built in various levels with a large number of other buildings surrounding it; they stand as witnesses of its fame and riches. Having a rare aesthetic magnitude, it appeared to be the most resplendent among the buildings of its time. A large forecourt lead to a porch, an anteroom and from there, to the Dome (Throne Room). Our glance is enchanted by the evident traces of the great and heavy palace door. It was there that Orestes arrived as a vindictive "stranger" and "murderer" of his mother. Out there, at the heavy door, Apollo gives him a last breathe of courage. It's the gods' will: Mycenae's throne shall taste Clytemnestra's blood. The matricide was a divine order and Orestes would become the young heir to the throne.
Influenced by the magnificence of the Minoans, the Mycenaeans built palaces based on a social structure that resembled a pyramid. Their architecture is adjusted to the reinforcement of the legality of authority and underlined the prestige of the King and his city. At the top is the "wanax", followed by the noble court men, the priesthood, the citizens and last, the slaves. The palace was an administrative centre of monumental architecture and was divided into three sections, level by level: the highest at the top was levelled-out and covered by the foundations of the Archaic and later Hellenistic temple.